Some Oddgodfrey Odds and Ends
Enquiring Minds
We get a lot of questions thrown at us from readers, friends on Facebook/Instagram, etc. These questions cause us to think and we enjoy answering them. I haven't been organizing those posts very well, though, and I decided this week I needed to figure out a way to keep things all in one place.
So, in place and stead of this week's usual stories, I've spent a good amount of time preparing a new page titled "Enquiring Minds." If you hover your mouse over the menu button on the right side of your screen (via smart phone) or on top of the page (via computer), you will find the new page called "Common Questions" with a drop down menu of several categories of Q/A you can click on and peruse. Some of the questions call for more detailed answers, and if we've already written blog posts on that topic, the answer will direct you to the blog link or category link.